Located as part of The Gloomwald Stash side-quest The 'Karroz's Chest' lootable guarded by Karroz, Sigil of Ch'thonĮntered via Chthonic Void in Plains of Strife chest spawns randomly in the sub-area Requires dynamite quest requirement the “Hidden Wealth” side-questĬhest spawns randomly in the Skittering Den and Hive Queen's Lair sub-areas Guarded by Baron Wradlith, Lord of the Lost Souls Requires dynamite guarded by High Priest Rolderathis The “Warden's Chest” lootable guarded by The Warden The “Monsters Hoard” lootable guarded by Grundleplith the Hoarder 1 Interests 2 NPCs 3 Creatures 4 Gallery Note: The Sting Kait Elita Eldritch: Eldritch Spirit Eldritch Spirit - Haunt Eldritch Spirit - Ancient Undead: Mummy - Desiccated Mummy. It also has a single entrance to theTemple City of Osyr, and contains a secret path to the Hidden Refuge. It has a Riftgate and lies in the middle of the Korvan Plateau. The Temple City of Osyr is a world area in Act 7. This site is not affiliated with Crate Ent. Attention to detail and scale make this game a joy to behold, with 16 incredible new battlefronts such as Utapau, Mustafar and the space above Coruscant, as well as the Death Star interior and Tantive IV, Princess Leia's blockade runner seen at the beginning of the original Star Wars. Capturing the drama and epic conflict of Star Wars, Battlefront II brings the fight online.

Overall we saw 1301 mods shared in total, which is the highest since we started this event. In Week 3 (20th - 26th April) we had 259 entries from 230 authors across 48 games.
Event and I'm happy to see so many mod authors have been sharing their content. Spira: Besaid is perhaps the best example of what a single map offers, and it doesn’t even involve Star Wars.

Some of Battlefront 2’s custom maps are comparably extensive to full mods. Basic Clothing Mod Pack Mod Posted 11 months ago 25 downloads This Star Wars Battlefront 2 mod is a pack of many basic and easy-to-make skins.